Tues - Thurs 10:00am - 12:00pm



Thirty Year Thursday: Calvin Williams

Thirty Year Thursday: Calvin Williams

To celebrate our thirtieth year anniversary, we’re interviewing a friend of Midtown Assistance Center each Thursday for thirty weeks as part of a series call “Thirty Year Thursday.” This week, we interviewed Calvin Williams, seven year MAC volunteer and Sacred Heart Parishioner.



How did you first find out about MAC?

Through Sacred Heart. I learned about it through our bulletin. At first I thought it was in Midtown, but when I learned that it was just across the street I called that week, spoke to Mitch, and signed up to begin volunteering. I started out volunteering one day a week, but I was able to work a second day so now I volunteer Mondays and Thursdays.

What initially drew you to volunteer?

I wanted to give something back. I worked with a couple of non-profits, including the night shelter at the Shrine, Open Hand, and the MLK Celebration, but I kept feeling like I wanted to do more.

What kept you coming back?

The Thursday volunteers. I also like helping and being able to do what I can to assist those in need.

How has your experience at MAC influenced you?

I can’t think of one specific thing. I do get to meet a lot of different people during my time here, and I enjoy that.

Do you have a favorite story from your time at MAC?

My favorite story is from when I first started volunteering. Becca, who was still a Jesuit Volunteer, and I went to pick up donations from a Whole Foods on Ponce. That was my first chance to represent MAC and really explain what we do here.


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