Tues - Thurs 10:00am - 12:00pm



Client Story: Meet Larry

Client Story: Meet Larry

MAC assisted Larry with rent and utility assistance in 2014 and now he is doing well with a full-time job. Keep reading for his testimonial about how MAC’s help impacted his life. 

“During the spring of 2014, I faced joblessness and potential homelessness in the blink of an eye. I went from a steady income with a great company to a period of uncertainty due to a hostile work environment that developed nearly overnight. My financial situation collapsed. Bills from rent, medical issues and student loans began to collect like raindrops that inundated the path ahead. Despite having obtained a Master’s degree from a flagship business school and years of experience with a Fortune 100 company, my employment applications stalled and I nearly reached a point of total insolvency. Despite these seatbacks, I never lost hope and stayed resilient to utilize local resources to mount a comeback to the workforce. The tide turned completely due to the life-saving help of the Midtown Assistance Center. After one appointment, their volunteers and staff armed me with a clear path forward to obtain employment, food and transit, and more. Most importantly, they provided me with generous rent assistance that I still credit today with being the difference of eviction and other issues. Not shortly after I was offered employment with the most successful airline in the United States, a career I still enjoy today. I was able to stay in my apartment and stabilize a precarious situation due to the help of community donations and empathy. In today’s divided political environment, asking for help and relying on a social safety net can be triggers for stigma. However I am proof of how helping somebody in need can light the path for them to succeed. I truly doubt I would still be here today without the support and empathy of the Midtown Assistance Center and cannot emphasize enough the impact their organization has on saving and enriching the lives of our most vulnerable neighbors. Thank you for everything!”


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