Tues - Thurs 10:00am - 12:00pm



Episcopal Community Foundation Provides Healthy Food to MAC Clients

Episcopal Community Foundation Provides Healthy Food to MAC Clients

Many of MAC’s volunteers and supporters know how much traffic our food pantry can get! Community food drives and orders from the Atlanta Community Food Bank can hardly keep up with the demand. We feed over a hundred low-income families each month. Last year, we handed out over 4,400 bags of groceries to men, women and children. Most of the time, this food is shelf-stable items: canned meats, beans, pasta, rice and canned fruits and vegetables. We occasionally get fresh produce from two of our amazing partners, Second Helpings and Concrete Jungle, but those donations go fast! It always seems difficult for our pantry to keep up with the demand for delicious, healthy food options.

However, thanks to a grant from Episcopal Community Foundation, we have the funding to purchase fresh produce and other healthy foods from the local grocery store. Clients will be able to select fresh apples, oranges, sweet potatoes and more along with our regular shelf-stable items. Our clients come to us during a period of financial crisis, when they have lost a job or are experiencing an illness. We want to ensure when they come to MAC, they are able to get food that nourishes their bodies and maintains their dignity. The grant from Episcopal Charities Foundation will allow us to do just that.

This grant was made possible, in part, by support from two of our supporting congregations, All Saints’ Episcopal Church and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. In total, MAC is supported by eleven interfaith congregations which provide financial support, host in-kind drives, recruit volunteers and offer prayers.


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