Tues - Thurs 10:00am - 12:00pm



Thirty Year Thursday: Greg

Thirty Year Thursday: Greg

To celebrate our thirtieth year anniversary, we’re interviewing a friend of Midtown Assistance Center each Thursday for thirty weeks as part of a series call “Thirty Year Thursday.” This week, we interviewed Greg, a client MAC helped with rent after he experienced a job loss.


How did you first find out about MAC?

A google search, actually. I can’t even remember what I googled since I had searched so much, but I think it was “rent assistance in Atlanta.”

What led you to need rent assistance?

I lost my job. I was a property manager, but when I was laid off I didn’t work from the end of January until the middle of March, so about a month and a half. I left property management completely and began working at a call center for an insurance company in the middle of March. By the time I called MAC, I had fallen so far behind I knew that I would need help getting caught up, even with my new job.

Have you enjoyed your new job?

I love it. I help people with initiating benefits, and since it sounds so vague a lot of people don’t get why I like it so much. But I basically get to help the people I talk to and relieve some of their stress, and that is why I love it.

How would you describe your experience at MAC?

It was very positive. Everyone was very personable, and I didn’t feel afraid or anything. I was calm and felt welcomed.

Is there anything else you’d like to say?

I can’t say it enough, but thank you. I really appreciate it. You helped me over a hurdle.


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