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AJC: Midtown Assistance Center works to stop the cycle of homelessness

AJC: Midtown Assistance Center works to stop the cycle of homelessness

By Shannon Dominy, For the AJC   |  Sept 21, 2022

Midtown Assistance Center (MAC) opened with the mission of preventing hunger and homelessness by providing assistance to low-income families during a period of crisis. Through rental assistance, utility payments, a food pantry, MARTA passes, clothing and state ID assistance, MAC works to prevent the cycle of homelessness from ever beginning. Each year, MAC provides over a million dollars in assistance to thousands of households to help overcome and prevent major crises.

“We believe in providing a safety net for our neighbors who often have nowhere to turn,” said Jenny Jobson, executive director of MAC.

When the coronavirus pandemic began in 2020, MAC pivoted to providing more online resources, and as it has re-opened its physical space MAC has continued to use remote practices to assist those who can’t come in for an appointment.

“As the pandemic continued into the summer of 2020, we began receiving requests for assistance from formerly stably housed middle income households,” said Jobson.


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