Tues - Thurs 10:00am - 12:00pm



Atlanta Gives Foundation Funds MARTA Program

Atlanta Gives Foundation Funds MARTA Program

Midtown Assistance Center is one of the first recipients of funding from Atlanta Gives, a new foundation that financially supports Atlanta organizations that work toward social justice and inclusion.  These organizations are supporting those with limited access to health care, education, housing, and food and those who suffer from prejudice, disenfranchisement and hatred.

Thanks to Atlanta Gives, MAC will be able to give out 84 weekly MARTA passes to homeless and low-income individuals who are starting new jobs. A weekly pass costs $23.75 and many of MAC’s clients cannot afford that prior to their first paycheck. 

Stanley is an example of someone who came to MAC for MARTA assistance. Stanley served jail time for a nonviolent crime and when he was released he found himself with nowhere to go. MAC gave him a new outfit and a MARTA card to get to his interview and he came back the next week with a new hire letter. He was starting work as an office assistant and mentor for at-risk youth. MAC provided a weekly MARTA pass and new clothing until Stanley’s first paycheck. “You know, when my sentence ended, I still felt imprisoned by my past choices,” said Stanley. “Now that I have a new job, I can truly be free.”      


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