Tues - Thurs 10:00am - 12:00pm




MAC Awards Partner of the Year to Midtown Alliance

Each year, Midtown Assistance Center recognizes one of our partners who has gone above and beyond in their support. At MAC's Annual Celebration of Service Luncheon, MAC awarded Midtown Alliance with this year's partnership of the year award. Midtown Alliance has not only raised over $7,500...


Client Story: Meet Larry

MAC assisted Larry with rent and utility assistance in 2014 and now he is doing well with a full-time job. Keep reading for his testimonial about how MAC's help impacted his life.  "During the spring of 2014, I faced joblessness and potential homelessness in the blink of...


Meet Bruttus and Sampson

Below is a message from Bruttus and Sampson, our 2018 MAC Mascots. Bruttus and Sampson will be featured on social media, attend special events and help fundraising for Midtown Assistance Center. I hope you'll follow them throughout the year as they represent MAC's mission to...

Atlanta Gives Foundation Funds MARTA Program

Midtown Assistance Center is one of the first recipients of funding from Atlanta Gives, a new foundation that financially supports Atlanta organizations that work toward social justice and inclusion.  These organizations are supporting those with limited access to health care, education, housing, and food and those who suffer from...


Article about Evictions Rings True

Evictionland by Joseph Williams, a former Politico journalist, tells the story of when he found himself facing eviction and homelessness. "Helping people stay in their homes yields big dividends, not only for the city—which saves on welfare and emergency social services costs—but for tenants. A single...


Leadership Changes at MAC

March 1, 2018 Dear Friends of MAC,   I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have been associated with the Midtown Assistance Center (MAC) for the past twenty-four years.  Although I could see myself at MAC forever, unexpected events have reminded me how fragile...


MAC Volunteer Spotlight: Breanna Harris

Breanna Harris is a junior at Georgia State University majoring in Sociology with a concentration in Race and Urban Studies, and minoring in English. She came to MAC last summer through GSU's career center. "The thing that ultimately caught my attention about MAC was the wide...


MAC’s Young Professional Council: Meet Holly Lane

Meet Holly! Holly was born and raised in Atlanta, GA, only leaving to go to the University of Georgia for her undergraduate degree in Human Development and Family Science. Holly currently works as an Operations Project Manager at The Home Depot and is pursuing her MBA at...


Marist High School Summer Intern: Emmy Goode

Midtown Assistance Center was fortunate to have a student from Atlanta’s Marist School intern for a week in June to learn about the work MAC does and dedicate her time and positive attitude to assisting MAC clients. Emmy is an Atlanta native and rising senior...
