Tues - Thurs 10:00am - 12:00pm



MAC Makeover: Office Edition

MAC Makeover: Office Edition

Thanks to MAC’s awesome community partners, we have a new look in our donated space at First United Methodist Church. Turner Construction  came to MAC for their Founder’s Day of Service on May 3rd. They used their construction skills to give our waiting room, food pantry and clothing closet a facelift! They painted walls, hung curtains and donated gently used furniture from another project. Because of their generous spirit and skilled hands, MAC is more welcome and inviting than ever before.

Last month, Cooper Carry supplied us with twenty new (to us) and fast computer monitors and screens. They also purchased brand new keyboards and mice. Now, staff are working on double monitors and zooming through reports and case notes more efficiently.

These valuable in-kind donations allow MAC to put more of our money out into the community. Thanks to our new friends!






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